Saturday, March 3, 2012

Newspaper Articles

After I finished reading two articles from "The Daily Mail" and "The Huffington Post", I was very sadly disappointed due to the fact that today there are certain fairytales books (like Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Rapunzel, etc) that are not being read to children and that parents are choosing modern books over classic tales because they thought classic fairytales are considered to be scary. It is true that there are some classic fairytales that contains themes that are negative, too unrealistic or quite disturbing such as the kidnapping, stealing, executions, inappropriate word like 'dwarve' (quite hard to believe) but I would encourage parents to give their children the moral of the story after reading it instead of omitting books that they felt it was inappropriate for them, to wait until their children reach the age of 5 so that parents can select which fairytales are suitable for them and to gain more knowledge to help them prepare to answer any questions their children might have. By the time children get older, they want to be able to experience many other fairytales that they haven't read yet.

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