Saturday, March 17, 2012

"Breaking the Disney Spell" by Jack Zipes

In the article “Breaking the Disney Spell”, Zipes point out that because “Disney was so obsessed with the fairytale genre and he felt drawn to fairytales because they reflected his own struggles in life” (p.343), this is what led Disney to ruin the classics by making some changes from the original fairytales. I personally don’t think that Disney has ruined the fairytales, instead I think Disney made an expansion and accessible to many different people at different ages. I disagree with Zipes’ argument because it seems to me that Disney has succeeded in making alternatives changes in order to target audiences including children and he probably didn’t want most of the children to be exposed to several contents that are quite disturbing. What Disney had in mind is that, he wanted to take the original classic fairytales and turn it into something even more beautiful, colorful, and pleasurable for the viewers in order to attract more audiences by adding a happy ending, new background scenes, creating motion pictures, and redesigning the characters because he wanted to have much better dreams rather than following the original plot of the fairytales.

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