Friday, March 2, 2012

"Someday My Prince Will Come"

When we discuss about gender roles, we learn about the behavioral and associational patterns towards many children and the effects they have after reading or watching their favorite classical fairytales. According to Leiberman, “Only the best known stories, those that everyone has read or heard, those that Disney has popularized, have affected masses of children in our culture (p.383-84). It is absolutely true, whenever children read or watch any fairytales whether it is from a book or video, they became brainwashed into thinking there will always be a happy ending such as perfect marriages, a kiss from a charming prince or becoming a beautiful princess. Leiberman pointed out that children are under the impression that their beauty and asset can get them exactly what they always wanted especially rewards. Leiberman stated that “Since girls are chosen for their beauty, it is easy for a child to infer that beauty leads to wealth, that being chosen means getting rich” (p.386). It is true and today this kind of behavior still happens. Today, beauty and money isn't everything at all, we all have to work really hard in order to earn a reward. A woman can be very beautiful from the outside however; most men may not know is that her attitude might unacceptable, for the things they say and how they portray themselves. This is something that we all need to be aware of. What most girls (under the age of 10) may not know is that sometimes beauty can lead to jealousy, rage, and it can also be very competitive.

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